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General Access Pass

De aici puteți cumpăra biletul General Access Pass care permite accesul atâta la ediția online, cât și la locația festivalului pe toată durata acestuia (15-19 septembrie 2021). Oferta este limitată.

Feedback after TGIFF, 2020 edition

We invied TGIFF participants to take part in a feedback poll about the 2020 edition of the Festival. Here are some answers. We are happy that the film selection was appreciated by the participants. Also the program was popular. Speaking about the Program, the most popular program items were film screenengs with Q&A sessions an […]

2020 TGIFF Awards

The first edition of The Galactic Imaginarium Film Festival is over. We are happy to announce the winners. Festival Awards for the official selected films: TGIFF Science Fiction Award goes to Help3 (Janek Tarkowski) TGIFF Fantasy Award goes to Bagpipe Maker’s Baby (Chris Hopkin) TGIFF Animation Award goes to 2 Aliens – Safe Space (Thomas […]

TGIFF at Worldcon and Titancon

TGIFF will be promoted at the World Science Fiction Convention, Worldcon, in Dublin, at the Romanian Fan Table, and at the Europeam Science Fiction Convention, Titancon, in Belfast. Both conventions take place in August. There will be flyer available for the public and, probably, deep discount Festival Tickets.

Festival Flyers

The Official Graphic Designer of the Festival, Cristi Vicol, just delivered the design for the promotional flyer for the 2020 edition. The flyers will be available for the 2019 Worldcon in Dublin and the 2019 Eurocon in Belfast.