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Hupov Luca Darius

Festival Director

Cristian Vicol

Festival Deputy Director, Online festival Coordinator

Eliza Filimon

Translation Department Coordinator

Simona Maria Hupov

Happening Area and Galla Coordinator

Marius Gordan Jr.

Film screening Area Coordinator

Daciana Olivia Hanganu


Andrea Putnoky

Social Media Manager

The translation, subtitling and interpreting department of 2024 edition of TGIFF was coordinated by Eliza Claudia Filimon, Associate Professor at the English department of West University of Timișoara.

Members of the translation, subtitling and interpreting team are students at the Faculty of Letters of the West University of Timișoara:
Daria Jugan
Rebeca Boboc
Andreea Ghimpău
Marius Pârv
Daiana Mijajev
Andrada Dracea
Oana Pușcaș
Doris Frunză