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Cosplay Basics

In terms of cosplaying in Romania, we do not lack cosplayers. Diana Streche and Irina Vișoiu are two Romanian cosplayers who participated in the previous edition of TGIFF. They shared some information from the inside of the cosplay world and told us what it means to be a cosplayer.  The beginning of cosplay and the creation […]

Festival Schedule 15th – 19th September 2021

The TGIFF team has finalized the program draft for the 2021 edition, assuming the epidemiological circumstances will allow events with participants on location. Five days are planned (15th -19th September). The festival will take place in a hybrid mode (on location and online). There will be two physical locations: The Culture House from Dumbrăvița (main […]

TGIFF translators’ team

Thursday, the 28th of April, the first Zoom meeting of the volunteer team that will be translating and subtitling the films in Romanian took place. These films will be presented at TGIFF 2021. The team, consisting of 10 translators, students, and master’s students from the West University of Timișoara, is coordinated by Eliza Filimon, Senior […]

General Access Pass

Here you have the Early Bird Online General Access Pass. Limited time offer! Early Bird Online and At Location General Festival Pass during the whole festival period (15th – 19th September 2021).

General Access Pass

De aici puteți cumpăra biletul General Access Pass care permite accesul atâta la ediția online, cât și la locația festivalului pe toată durata acestuia (15-19 septembrie 2021). Oferta este limitată.

Feedback after TGIFF, 2020 edition

We invied TGIFF participants to take part in a feedback poll about the 2020 edition of the Festival. Here are some answers. We are happy that the film selection was appreciated by the participants. Also the program was popular. Speaking about the Program, the most popular program items were film screenengs with Q&A sessions an […]

2020 TGIFF Awards

The first edition of The Galactic Imaginarium Film Festival is over. We are happy to announce the winners. Festival Awards for the official selected films: TGIFF Science Fiction Award goes to Help3 (Janek Tarkowski) TGIFF Fantasy Award goes to Bagpipe Maker’s Baby (Chris Hopkin) TGIFF Animation Award goes to 2 Aliens – Safe Space (Thomas […]