
November 5, 2020
TGIFF la Radio Romania Cultural
Într-o emisiune "Exploratorii lumii de mâine", realizată de Cristina Ghidoveanu la Radio Romanian Cultural, a fost invitat regizorul Bogdan Mi...
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TGIFF Awards
September 28, 2020
2020 TGIFF Awards
The first edition of The Galactic Imaginarium Film Festival is over. We are happy to announce the winners. Festival Awards for the officia...
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August 8, 2019
TGIFF at Worldcon and Titancon
TGIFF will be promoted at the World Science Fiction Convention, Worldcon, in Dublin, at the Romanian Fan Table, and at the Europeam Science Fi...
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August 8, 2019
Festival Flyers
The Official Graphic Designer of the Festival, Cristi Vicol, just delivered the design for the promotional flyer for the 2020 edition. The fly...
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