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Model Rocket workshop

“The Zone” is an event that will also include a collection of educational entertainment activities, which will take place on 23-24 September at the Dumbrăvița House of Culture, as part of the TGIFF film festival. Among other things, there will be a series of practical workshops for children and teenagers. Today I present you the […]

Checkout Weston Terray at TGIFF

If you missed last yeas’s Q&A where we talked to Weston Terray from the US about his film,  “Precarious”, don’t fret! We’re here to share with you the full recording that happened in 2021 on Discord. “Precarious” is one of the feature-length films we screened at last year’s Galactic Imaginarium Film Festival, lasting 1h46m. Link: […]

So many submissions! Check them out soon!

We are so happy to announce that so far, we have received 113 film submissions to The Galactic Imaginarium Film Festival! The country with the most submissions is the United States, with an astonishing number of 21 films, so stay tuned for some American cinematography! Our selection committee is working their hardest to pick the […]

TGIFF meme contest

Rules for the meme contest TGIFF, 2021 edition   The meme contest is a competition open to anyone interested who knows the phenomenon of Science Fiction and Fantasy (SFF) movies and series.   What is a meme? meme = a cultural feature or a type of behaviour that is passed from one generation to another, […]