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Model Rocket workshop

“The Zone” is an event that will also include a collection of educational entertainment activities, which will take place on 23-24 September at the Dumbrăvița House of Culture, as part of the TGIFF film festival. Among other things, there will be a series of practical workshops for children and teenagers.

Today I present you the model rocket workshop.

The model rocket workshop is a predominantly practical educational activity and is dedicated to learning how model rockets (model rockets) are made and how they work.

Trainer: Harald Singer, amateur rocket modeller

Age: for children over 7 years old.

Maximum capacity: 25 children. Places are filled in order of registration.

Workshop registration: on site

Duration: approximately 60 minutes

Location: the main hall of the House of Culture in Dumbrăvița

Date: Saturday 23 September, 11.00 a.m.

Contents of the workshop

What are rockets?

[ Video presentation ]

History of rockets

Here would go the story of the Chinese emperor who wanted to reach the moon
The Middle Ages, Konrad Haas
Modern era – Tsiolkovsky, Hermann Oberth, Laica, Gagarin, Armstrong

Parts of a rocket

[ Presentation based on a Saturn V model ]

Physical basis of jet flight

[ Demo of a filled balloon being released to fly ]

to go forward, something has to go in the opposite direction.
example with boat on lake + rocks
example with astronaut in space station


Fun information.

What is a rachetomodel?

Let’s start with a simple analogy: “Just like we have toy cars before we have a real car, scientists make model rockets before they make the big ones!”

[ Content: Model rocket launch video ]

Types of model rockets

Stomp: these rockets fly when you step on them!
Drinking straw rockets: just a piece of paper and a straw, and they fly!
Water rockets: these use water and air pressure to fly
Proper model rockets: these are like LEGO sets, but for rockets. We assemble them and they fly.

Why do they fly?

Stomp: our foot pushes air into the rocket, making it fly!
Straw rockets: our breath gives the thrust!
Water rockets: air pressure from a pump and water makes it soar
Kit rockets: use special fuel – just a little – to fly

Safety first

“Even if they are small, we should always be careful.”
“Never point a rocket at someone.”
“Always have an adult around”

Practical Activity

Let the children build their own straw rockets and have a ‘flying competition’.
Demonstrate with a micro-stomp rocket
On a frame (fixed – no flying) attach a model with a combustion engine and fire it up (a bit of smoke, flame and boom!).

Presentation of various physical components

[ children will be able to pick them up and have them explained to them ]

Why models?

“Before we do big things, we learn with the little ones.”
“Model rockets teach us about how rockets work and help us prepare for bigger adventures.”

Question and answer session

A time for children to ask questions. They usually have some very creative ones!

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